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Rat Control For Renters: Navigating Pest Management In Apartments In Los Angeles County


Every urban area has a rat problem. It doesn't matter how densely or sparsely populated any particular area is; if people are present, so are rats. Knowing how to navigate rat control in Los Angeles County when you are a renter can be difficult. You want to do what you can to avoid a rat infestation without going beyond what you're allowed to do in your apartment. Let HomeShield Pest Control help with this guide to rat control for renters.

Early Warning Signs: Identifying Rat Activity In Your Rental Space

The last thing you want to deal with in your rental is a rat infestation, but knowing the early signs of rats in Los Angeles County can help you identify an infestation and get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

One of the first signs of rat activity in your Los Angeles County apartment is hearing them. Rats make a lot of noise when they move around, so you're likely to hear them scratching around or making squeaking noises in your walls or ceiling, especially at night. 

Another sure sign of a rat infestation in your apartment is seeing rat droppings. These can show up on your counters, in your cupboards or cabinets, or in any other area where rats might walk. Rat droppings are usually dark in color and are shaped like large grains of rice with blunt ends.

Other signs of a rat infestation include finding holes or gnaw marks on food packages, seeing greasy rub marks along your baseboards, and, of course, seeing rats themselves.

DIY Rat Prevention For Renters: Tips For Immediate Action

The best way to avoid a rat infestation entirely is to know how to prevent rats from getting into your Los Angeles County apartment in the first place. These tips can help you keep rats out:

  • Keep your kitchen spotless. 

    • Wash dishes after each use.

    • Wipe down counters every time you use them.

    • Sweep or vacuum your floors frequently.

    • Take out the trash routinely.

    • Keep your food stored in hard-sided containers.

    • Wipe down cabinets and cupboards regularly.

  • Fix any moisture issues you may have.

    • Lower humidity with dehumidifiers.

    • Fix leaking pipes.

    • Repair dripping faucets.

  • Seal any openings into your apartment.

    • Repair or replace torn window screens.

    • Cover open vents.

    • Seal cracks, crevices, and holes.

By taking the steps to prevent rats, you can avoid an issue before it starts.

The Impact On Health: Risks Associated With Rat-Infested Apartments

Unfortunately, apartment buildings tend to be popular areas for rat infestations. Not every person in every apartment will take the same care in trying to prevent rats, and once they get into one area, they can easily spread throughout a building. 

There are many health risks associated with a rat infestation. The diseases rats carry and spread are many. Salmonellosis, rat bite fever, tularemia, and leptospirosis are just a few of the diseases that rats carry and spread. They can spread these diseases through their contaminated droppings and by direct contact.

Rats can also be harmful to your health because the damage they cause to property can make areas hazardous. Chewed electrical wiring can start fires, and damaged pipes can lead to water leaks and mold growth. Furthermore, rats often bring parasites into apartment buildings that can then be spread to the people inside.

Creating A Rat-Free Environment In Los Angeles County Apartments

Rat pest control is essential to get rid of a rat infestation in Los Angeles County. Even if you've taken the appropriate preventative measures, it's still possible to end up with rats in your apartment. When that happens, contact HomeShield Pest Control. Our eco-friendly rat control services will fully eliminate your rat problem.

Effective rat control goes beyond just getting rid of the rats in your apartment. HomeShield Pest Control provides rodent-proofing and exclusion services, as well as attic cleaning services to remove contaminants. Let our experts protect you from all the problems rats cause with our rat control services.
