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Safeguarding Your Space In Vero Beach From Unwanted Hornets


Hornets are not only known for being one of the most aggressive types of stinging insects in Vero Beach, but they also have a painful sting that can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. When a homeowner finds a hornet’s nest on their property, they usually wait until the winter to remove it. However, touching a nest at any time of the year can be extremely dangerous. 

At HomeShield Pest Control, we understand the importance of practicing extreme caution when dealing with these dangerous pests, which is why we offerhornet nest removal near you.Instead of worrying about how to get rid of hornets on your property, we can help you develop strategies to prevent them from invading your home. 

How Are Hornets And Wasps Different?

The words “hornet"  and "wasp " are often incorrectly used interchangeably. While both of these pests belong to the Vespidae insect family, they are two completely different species with distinct features. 

Hornets are usually a little larger than most wasps. They both have segmented bodies, but a hornet’s body is usually more rounded and stockier. The head of a hornet is generally larger and rounder as well. 

When it comes to coloration, hornets tend to have black and yellow-striped bodies, but they are also known to have white markings on their face and bodies. Wasps can come in a variety of colors. You might find some wasps with the same black and yellow stripes as hornets. However, you could also find wasps that are red, brown, black, and even iridescent blue or green wasps. 

These two species also have different nesting habits as well. Hornets are known for building large nests that look as if they are made of paper. You usually find their nests hanging from the sides of homes, the ends of tree branches, or another aerial location. Some hornets also build their nests underground. 

Wasps, on the other hand, can build their nests out of a variety of materials. Some wasps will build paper nests shaped like upside-down umbrellas. They can also build their nests out of mud and attach them to houses and other surfaces.

If you are still determining what type of nest you have on your property, call one of our professionalhornet exterminatorsfor assistance. 

Hornets Infestations: Potential Health Risks

Hornets are known to be extremely territorial. They live in large groups, and if you get too close to their nests, you could have multiple hornets attacking you at one time. They have strong stingers that can sting a person or animal multiple times. When they sting you, they inject a small amount of venom. Some people only experience a few hours of extreme pain and minor swelling after receiving a hornet sting. However, other people may have severe allergic reactions to the venom. 

Being stung by several hornets can also cause health issues as well. Because these insects can be exceptionally dangerous, immediate hornet extermination is recommended at the first sign of an infestation. 

Ways To Prevent Hornets From Hanging Out In Your Backyard

Every homeowner needs to take proactive steps to keep hornets away. Here are some tips our hornet control experts recommended:

  • Mow your yard often

  • Seal any holes or gaps around your house 

  • Remove standing water from around your house

  • Keep drinks and food covered when outdoors 

You should also have any old nests removed from your home by a professionalhornet removalteam. 

Call Us For Effective Hornet Control Solutions

Hornets can be dangerous and scary to deal with on your own. At HomeShield Pest Control, we can keep these dangerous insects away from your Vero Beach home. 

Give our hornet exterminatorsa call today to schedule your consultation.