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Common Ants Invading Homes In The Sacramento Region


Finding out there are ants inside your home is not a good time. These pests love to crawl through living areas and do not go away easily. To make things worse, some local species cause real trouble for residents. To make sure you know how to identify and deal with these pests, here are some things to consider today.

Call HomeShield Pest Control if you want to find out about professional ant removal in Sacramento. Our team is standing by and ready to help you with these pests. Keep reading to discover more about the most common types of ants in Sacramento and what issues they might bring into your home.

What Ants Are Active Around Sacramento?

Lots of ants live here in Sacramento. Many look almost exactly the same and are either brown or black and about ? to 1/16” long. That said, there are subtle differences that set apart different types of ants in Sacramento. As an example, Odorous house ants have oddly bent abdomens.

The good news is that the most problematic local species look different. Carpenter ants are larger and have black, red, or black and red bodies. Fire ants are reddish-brown with darker abdomens. Finally, pharaoh ants are pale yellow. To help you understand a bit more about the problems these pests pose, here are some things to consider. 

Different Problems And Hazards Caused By Different Ants

Ants are not always a problem. In fact, the most common ants that invade homes are only annoying. The few species you should be worried about are fire ants, pharaoh ants, and carpenter ants. Fire ants are a problem because they bite and sting. If you walk too close to their nest, they will attack with force. The good news is that they don’t invade homes as commonly as other species.

Pharaoh ants invade homes regularly and cause problems with the way they pick up and spread bacteria. Salmonellosis and staphylococcus are two common bacterium they spread. Finally, carpenter ants are a problem because they build their nests inside the boards, beams, and other structural wood of homes. The longer these pests nibble away, the more damage they do. To avoid different types of ant infestations and the problems that come with them, here are some things you should know about ant control and prevention.

How Sacramento Region Homeowners Can Minimize Their Risk For Ants

There are many methods that can help you prevent ants in Sacramento. Here are some tips and tricks you might try today.

  • Address moisture problems.

  • Seal entry points in your home’s exterior.

  • Store leftover food inside air-tight containers.

  • Invest in pest-proof trash cans.

If you are looking for ways to get rid of ants, talk with our team at HomeShield Pest Control. We have everything you need to deal with an active infestation.

What To Do If Ants Have Gotten Inside Your Home

Finding ants indoors is a good cause for concern. If you want to get these pests out fast, our staff at HomeShield Pest Control has your answer. We offer amazing services for ant identification, elimination, and prevention. It all depends on what you need.

We would be more than happy to pay you a visit, assess your situation, and offer a plan that we feel best meets your need. If that is what you want, invite us over. If not, we will always be here to help you with pests in any way possible. Reach out to HomeShield Pest Control for more information about ant control in Sacramento or to make a service visit for your home.Common Ants Invading Homes In The Sacramento Region