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Why Do I Have Roaches In My Vero Beach Home And How Do I Get Them Out?


Roach infestations are becoming more and more common here in Vero Beach. With our mild winters, humid summers, and growing human populations, cockroaches are experiencing a golden age revival in a home or neighborhood near you.

If you're experiencing a cockroach infestation firsthand, you know what a pain these pests can be. But you may be wondering how they even got inside, especially since you worked so hard to keep them out.

This guide from HomeShield Pest Control explains why roaches may have invaded your home. It also walks through specific prevention steps and Vero Beach pest control solutions so you can protect your property from future infestations.

What Types Of Roaches Invade Vero Beach Homes?

Florida has become a magnet state for roaches of all kinds. There are typically three major cockroach species in Vero Beach:

  • American cockroaches: As the largest of the common household roaches, American cockroaches are a major problem for residential homeowners.

  • German cockroaches: German roaches are the most common (and potentially least hygienic) species of the bunch.

  • Oriental cockroaches: Some people refer to these pests as 'water bugs' due to their love of moisture and humidity.

No matter how safe you feel in your home, you should know that these roaches can still get inside. Doing all the right things isn't always great security, and leaving cockroach control up to chance isn't always a good approach.

How Dangerous Is It To Have Roaches In My Home?

Cockroaches are probably far more dangerous than you would first believe. Not only do they spread serious pathogens and diseases, but they can also contaminate your food and water sources and make food prep areas unsafe to use.

Many cockroach species also serve as pest prey for spiders, beetles, and other unwanted creatures. An infestation of roaches may lead to a secondary infestation of other pests, which only gets worse over time.

Keep reading to learn about why these pests may have infested your home in the first place.

Why Do I Have Roaches In My House?

There are typically three reasons why roaches come inside Vero Beach homes: food, water, and shelter. Let's break down each of these concepts so you can get a better understanding of their behavior.

  • Food: Crumbs and spills may not look like much to humans, but for tiny roaches, even the smallest particles can be a feast.

  • Water: Leaky pipes? Clogged drains? All of these things serve as water sources for cockroaches.

  • Shelter: Although winters in Vero Beach aren't particularly cold, roaches still enjoy the warmer environment found in our wall voids and closets.

If you have roaches in or around your home, they're likely subsisting on one or more of these factors. This means you need to clean up your home, seal up any entry points, and get in touch with professional home pest control in Vero Beach to advise your next steps.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Roaches?

You clean your home regularly, take out the trash, and seal cracks and gaps often. And yet, there still seems to be a roach infestation lingering around your home. 

If you can't seem to get rid of the cockroach infestation surrounding your Vero Beach property, it's time to opt for professional support – starting with the solutions provided by HomeShield Pest Control.

Cockroach control from HomeShield Pest Control was designed to take the fear and stress out of roach management. With years of experience treating pests in Vero Beach, we can easily get rid of unwanted activity with skill, speed, and discretion. There's no need to take our word for it, though – just read our five-star reviews.

Call our pest control company today to schedule an appointment for your property.