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Spider Wars: How To Win The Battle Against Arachnids In San Diego County


If you're dealing with a pest infestation near your San Diego County home, there's a good chance that spiders aren't far behind. These eight-legged arachnids are extremely hardy pests and can survive for months in even the least hospitable places.

If you own a home in the San Diego County area, it's only a matter of time before spiders come to visit. But even if you're struggling against an unrelenting infestation, the right pest control companycan help you win the battle against spiders in San Diego County.

Looking for pest control in San Diego County? This guide from HomeShield Pest Control was written for you. Here's how you can stop invading spiders in their tracks, starting with a comprehensive overview of their habits and behavior.

Spider Behavior: How They Hunt, Feed, And Mate

As you may know, spiders are predators that hunt insects for food. Different spiders use different approaches depending on the species. Some spiders prefer to hide in dark places, while others prefer to chase their prey down. Still others weave elaborate webs to capture prey and save 'leftovers' for the future.

Spiders waste no time finding mates and reproducing, especially while freeloading in the warm shelter of your home. Even newly hatched spiders can effectively take care of themselves and can become difficult to control through DIY products alone. Considering the average female spider lays hundreds of eggs per sac, you need spider control in San Diego County to stop their numbers from growing.

Keep reading to find out why.

Spider Problems: Why You Don't Want These Arachnids In Your Home

All spiders have venom, but not all spiders produce venom strong enough to harm humans. The black widow spider is one of these arachnids, capable of injecting their victims with a powerful neurotoxin.

Spiders also leave unwanted litter near their hiding places, including bug carcasses, web strands, and droppings. There's a good chance you don't want unsightly detritus creating an eyesore around the house.

Worse still, spiders serve as a bad omen for other infestations. Arachnids are carnivores, so their presence around your home usually indicates other pest problems. If you have spiders in your home, you can be sure there's another infestation nearby.

So, how can you work on spider removal to protect your San Diego County home? It all starts with using the right prevention steps.

Spider-Proofing: Tips For Preventing Spiders In The House

You shouldn't have to live your life in fear of the spiders in San Diego. That's why we wrote this guide: to decrease your chances of having to deal with them.

We recommend using the tips below to protect your home from spiders:

  • Seal garbage: Open garbage attracts insects, which in turn attract spiders.

  • Eliminate clutter: Spiders love to explore and nest in clutter. 

  • Seal your home: Sealing your home eliminates easy ways for spiders and their pest prey to get inside.

  • Treat your home for pests: Spiders prefer to live outside, so spotting an infestation means they're following pest prey inside. Eliminate underlying infestations to keep spiders out. 

These tips can help you decrease your chances of dealing with spiders around your property. However, a pre-established infestation needs more than just prevention – which is why contacting the pros at HomeShield Pest Control is a great first step in the right direction.

Professional Pest Control: A Great Spider Control Solution

Spider control can be complex, especially once you've exhausted all possible prevention steps. If you're dealing with spiders on your San Diego County property, you can rely on the team at HomeShield Pest Control for help. You don't have to take our word for it – just check out our five-star reviews.

Ready to get rid of spiders in San Diego County? Call HomeShield Pest Control today for help with spiders and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in San Diego County.