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How Do I Get Rid Of Termites In My Vero Beach Home?


We're not going to sugarcoat it for you – termite infestations are serious business. These pests cause more than $5 billion in damages every year, leaving homeowners and their families to pick up the pieces (usually without the help of homeowner's insurance). 

Business owners also have plenty to worry about from suspected termite activity. All it takes is a single colony to weaken structural supports, which creates massive architectural headaches down the line, costing thousands in property damage.

If you're currently experiencing a termite infestation, HomeShield Pest Control wrote this guide for you. Here, we're exploring how to get rid of a termite infestation after you've spotted their activity in your home.

But what are the signs of termite activity? And are there early warning signs you should look for?

Our Vero Beach pest control company answers all these questions (and more) in the guide below.

What Are The Signs Of Termites?

You may be wondering if you really have a termite problem or if you're just paranoid about potential pests in your home. There's only one way to know for sure, and that's direct observation and inspection.

You can perform a preliminary termite inspection by:

  • Looking for frass (or fine sawdust) around walls and baseboards.

  • Testing to see if doors and windows close properly.

  • Looking for shed wings near doors and windows.

  • Tapping walls for hollow sounds.

  • Listening for clicking.

Even if you don't notice anything suspicious during your inspection, it may still be a good idea to get in touch with HomeShield Pest Control. We can provide you with a more comprehensive termite inspection – just in case there's activity you couldn't see without specialized equipment.

How Much Damage Can Termites Cause In My Home?

You already know that termites in Vero Beach are a force to be reckoned with, especially here in Vero Beach. However, you may not realize the extent of damage they can cause or how dangerous they can be when left to their own devices.

For one thing, termites don't need to sleep or rest, which means their full-time job is extracting wood from your home. These pests can eat through 22 feet of a 2×4 board in just 12 months, which is enough to completely destroy the supports alongside two walls of a small room.

Plus, termite damages aren't covered by most homeowners' insurance, so you likely have to pay for repairs on your own. You may find yourself out of several thousand dollars or even struggle to sell your home. 

Why Does My House Have Termites?

You've never seen any signs of termites around your home. So how on earth did these pests get past your defenses?

Your home may have a termite infestation because of:

  • Cracks and gaps in the home

  • High levels of humidity

  • Soil-to-wood contact (think landscape mulching)

  • Previous infestations

  • Windows and doors left open

  • No treatment during construction

  • No annual termite inspections

  • Unsealed basements or crawl spaces

  • Vinyl siding beneath the soil

Thankfully, even the most established termite infestations can be removed with the right approach. Let's take a look at the most effective option: professional termite control in Vero Beach from HomeShield Pest Control.

Who Should I Call About Termites Around My Home?

If you're suspicious about termite activity around your Vero Beach home, don't hesitate to contact HomeShield Pest Control at your earliest convenience. We offer comprehensive services for termite control with years of combined experience. But you don't have to take our word for it; trust our five-star reviews!

Get local pest control for termite invasions by calling HomeShield Pest Control now.