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Keeping Pigeons At Bay: Expert Strategies For Effective Pigeon Prevention And Control


Pigeons may not look like it, but they are intelligent birds. Did you know that they can navigate long distances using magnetic fields? People have used them as messengers, and they play a crucial role in our ecosystem as scavengers. You can find them in many cities and recognize them by their distinctive cooing sounds.

Still, they can cause many problems if they take over your property. In this blog from the HomeShield Pest Control experts, we will review pigeon behavior and traits, explain why these winged invaders are problematic, and help you create a pigeon-proof environment with effective prevention and professional pigeon control in Vero Beach, CA.

Pigeon Behavior And Traits: Key Indicators For Identification

You can recognize pigeons by their distinctive behaviors and traits. They are social animals, so you'll often see them in flocks. Their gregarious nature and melodious cooing set them apart from other birds.

They are typically gray with a subtle iridescent sheen and boast stout bodies and short necks. They waddle when they walk and have unmistakable fan-shaped tails. Pigeons are also excellent fliers. They are capable of agile maneuvers, with wings that create a distinctive clapping sound when they take off. They do great in cities where they thrive on scraps and nest on buildings and ledges.

But as fascinating as they are, pigeon infestations can cause many problems. Read on to understand their causes and consequences.

Understanding The Pigeon Problem: Causes And Consequences

Pigeon problems in urban areas are a complex issue. Our homes provide plenty of food scraps, and we have inadvertently created an ideal environment for nuisance birds to thrive. To top it off, pigeons can reproduce rapidly.

An infestation could have many consequences. Pigeon droppings are unsightly and corrosive. They can damage everything from buildings to statues, causing maintenance and cleaning costs. Pigeons can also spread diseases, and the noise caused by their cooing sounds can be disruptive.

Addressing these problems requires a holistic approach to pigeon control to balance coexisting with these birds and minimizing their negative impacts. Still, you can create a pigeon-proof environment around your home with the right prevention strategies and help from the HomeShield Pest Control experts.

Create A Pigeon-Proof Environment: Strategies For Effective Prevention

Creating a pigeon-proof environment is possible with the following strategies:

  • Control: Try to reduce the availability of food scraps that attract pigeons. Keeping trash cans closed and cleaning up your outdoor space can go a long way in deterring these unwanted guests.

  • Exclusion: We can help you install physical barriers like netting and spikes around your home to deter pigeons from roosting and nesting. They can make it difficult for them to find suitable perching spots.

  • Trapping: Humane traps can reduce pigeon populations by relocating them to a more suitable environment.

  • Clean up: We can help clean up after successful elimination so your property can return to its former clean and hygienic state.

Combining these pigeon control methods can make your home less appealing to pigeons. HomeShield Pest Control can help if they prove to be insufficient.

The Importance of Professional Pigeon Control: Benefits And Solutions

HomeShield Pest Control can help with residential and commercial pigeon control in Vero Beach. Our experts benefit from years of experience managing pigeon populations effectively, customizing their solutions to each unique property.

Our strategies involve physical deterrents, clean-up strategies, and more for sustainable, long-term results. Call us today to learn more about our bird control and exclusion services.

HomeShield Pest Control can keep your home and business free from infestations year-round. Get started today with extensive pigeon pest control strategies you can trust.
