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Effective Vole Control Tips: How To Get Rid Of Voles Safely And Quickly On Your Vero Beach Property


The vole is a small rodent often mistaken for its larger cousin, the mouse. Despite their size, they can cause substantial damage to Vero Beach properties. Today, the experts at HomeShield Pest Control will explore the subtle signs that indicate a vole problem has taken root in your yard and how to keep them out.

But what if these persistent rodents have already established their presence? That's where professional vole removal service comes in—we'll equip you with the best strategies to swiftly and safely evict voles from your garden

Signs You Have A Vole Problem In Your Yard

Often mistaken for mice due to their similar appearance, voles can wreak havoc on your Vero Beach property. Identifying the signs of a vole problem can help you with effective control. Look for telltale indicators, such as intricate tunnel systems resembling a network of runways across your yard. 

Voles create elaborate burrows accompanied by visible surface runways in the grass. Also, look for gnawed tree bark, damaged roots, and the emergence of small, shallow holes in your lawn. These are clear signs that voles have made your yard their home.

Why Voles In Your Yard Can Be So Problematic

Voles may be small, but their impact on your yard can be significant. These herbivorous rodents can cause extensive damage to your garden, plants, and trees. They gnaw on the bark of trees and shrubs, leading to stunted growth or even the death of your beloved plants. 

The tunneling activities of voles can disrupt the root systems of plants, causing them to wither and die. Voles can also attract predators like snakes and birds of prey, complicating the ecological balance in your yard.

Naturally Effective Ways To Prevent Voles

To maintain a healthy yard, prevent vole infestations with these natural and effective methods:

  • Regularly clean up fallen leaves, grass clippings, and other debris that could provide hiding spots for voles.

  • Plant vole-repellent varieties like castor beans to deter them. Integrate these into your landscaping to discourage vole activity.

  • Create a protective barrier around the base of young trees and shrubs using hardware cloth or tree guards to prevent gnawing.

  • Attract owls, hawks, and snakes to your yard, natural vole predators, by fostering plant growth and installing birdhouses.

Proactive measures can help keep these pests out of your yard, but once established, controlling voles becomes more challenging.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Vole Problem In Your Garden

If voles have already taken residence in your yard, swift and effective action is necessary. A humane approach is ideally the best vole control tactic:

  • Live trapping is a humane method of catching and relocating voles. Set up traps along their runways, using bait like peanut butter or apple slices. Once caught, carefully release them far away from your property.

  • Several natural repellents can discourage voles. For example, you can plant garlic and daffodils in your garden, as these plants emit unpleasant odors that voles find unpleasant.

  • If you identify the vole tunnels, flooding them with water can effectively evict them. Ensure that the water reaches all parts of the tunnel system.

  • Vole bait, specifically formulated to attract and eliminate voles, is available in garden supply stores. Follow the product instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use.

You can enjoy a thriving yard free from these small but troublesome rodents by staying vigilant for signs of vole activity and implementing these natural vole control methods.

Contact our technicians at HomeShield Pest Control to schedule an inspection and implement a local vole control treatment plan today.