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Rodents In Orange County Could Have Hidden Entry Points


Rodents are common unwanted guests in most Orange County homes. They'll use your residence to shelter from the cold and predators and will infest your kitchen for food.

They spread deadly diseases like rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, and South American arenaviruses. What's more, they can cause costly damage to your home and put you and your loved ones' health at risk with their urine and droppings. Always call an Orange County pest control professional to get rid of them.

Top Rodent Entry Points

Here are some common areas these sneaky pests use to get into your home:

  • Electrical meter- small rodents can invade your home if the place around your electrical meter has openings.
  • Landscaping and decks- these can hide entry points for the critters along your home's lower level.
  • Air conditioner compressor line- they'll find their way into your home if your air conditioner's compressor line isn't properly sealed.
  • Window wells- your window well should have a drain cover to hinder rodent entry if it has a drain.
  • Window and foundation overhangs- it's easy to overlook these as top entry places for rats and mice.
  • Housing material junctures- they make excellent entry points for tiny rodents if they aren't fitted tightly.

What To Do If You Spot An Entry Point

If you've noticed a potential entry point for big rodents in your home, the best way to deal with it is by sealing it off.

Start by inspecting the area for droppings or chew marks that may help you identify domestic rodents. If the problem persists, call an exterminator to look and determine the next course of action.

How To Patch A Rodent Entry Point

Also known as 'rodent exclusion,' sealing rodent entry points is pretty straightforward:

1. Begin by using a wire brush to remove any loose mortar or debris around the opening.

2. Fill a caulking gun with sealant and apply it around the hole, filling in all cracks and crevices.

3. Use a putty knife to smooth out the sealant for a finished look.

4. Allow the sealant to dry completely before painting or staining (if necessary).

5. Monitor the area for any further signs of rodents and call an exterminator if the problem persists.

If you leave any space greater than a quarter-inch, California rodents are likely to enter once again. Usually, a gap between shingles, plastic siding materials, concrete, and wood creates an entry point for rats. You could research which fasteners are ideal for each material to seal the difficult spots.

Rodent Entry Point Elimination Service By HomeShield Pest Control

Rodent exclusion is effective if it's done properly. HomeShield Pest Control assures you that you'll get nothing but the best protection from a rodent invasion. We're California-based and have over ten years of experience controlling all rodents through entry point elimination.

We aim to ensure California residents and those in the surrounding areas remain happy and enjoy a rodent-free home. We use eco-friendly pest control products. Our entry point elimination service comprises several steps:

  • Inspection: We look for signs that verify if a rodent is on your building, like droppings and nesting materials.
  • Identification: We spot weaknesses in your home's protective barriers through inspection.
  • Sealing: We seal off any entry points we identified to keep the home invaders away.
  • Cleaning: We remove any gross and harmful excrement that the pests left.
  • Monitoring: We keep an eye out to ensure the pests don't burrow through the sealant or return through other entry points. 

Call us today to learn more and get a quote on rodent control in California.