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The Sacramento Region's Complete Guide To Effective Wasp Control


When was the last time you were stung by a wasp? Do you even remember what the sting feels like? Some people had a negative experience with these pests as a kid. They don’t fully remember the incident, but they still know to this day that they would not like to be stung again! Others have been stung recently and were reminded how painful it really is. Are you here today, looking for answers to keep wasps off your Sacramento region property? To help you with this, here are some things to think about.

What Wasps Live In Sacramento?

There are two common species of wasps that call the Sacramento region their home, paper wasps and yellow jackets. Though yellow jackets are more aggressive, paper wasps have more painful stings. As for nests, these two insects are very similar. Both are made of chewed-up paper and built in secluded areas such as the eaves of buildings or inside ground burrows that were originally dug by landscaping pests like gophers and voles.

Why Wasps Settle Onto Properties

There are two common species of wasps that call the Sacramento region their home, paper wasps and yellow jackets. Though yellow jackets are more aggressive, paper wasps have more painful stings. As for nests, these two insects are very similar. Both are made of chewed-up paper and built in secluded areas such as the eaves of buildings or inside ground burrows that were originally dug by landscaping pests like gophers and voles.

The Danger Of Wasps

You already know how painful a wasp's sting is or at least have been informed of it by a friend or family member. The question is, is pain the only threat these pests pose? Unfortunately, it is not. If you are allergic to insect venom, a sting from a wasp could be life-threatening. That said, it is always wise to be cautious around these pests as many stings can pose serious medical issues even to people who are not allergic.

Some Strategies To Prevent Wasps

If you are looking for a way to keep wasps away from your property and you have some time on your hands, here are a few wasp-prevention strategies our experts recommend you try.

  • Pick up fruits and berries that fall into your yard.

  • Fill in holes and burrows around your property.

  • Trim hedges and keep your grass cut short.

  • Pick up food and beverages after eating outdoors.

  • Remove budding plants and flowers from your property.

What To Do If You Find A Wasps' Nest On Your Property

There is always a risk involved with removing a wasps' nest from your property. How high this risk is depends on how large the nest is and if it is enclosed or not. If you find a hive on your property that is smaller than a golf ball and you are able to look inside to see when no wasps are home, then you should have no trouble knocking it down yourself using a long broom. For hives larger than this, we recommend leaving it to the professionals. 

At HomeShield Pest Control, we offer quick and effective removal services for wasps' nests. If you have noticed an influx of stinging insects around your property and want them gone, we are your best option for the job.

Call us today to learn more about our stinging insect control or if you have questions about wasps here in the Sacramento region.