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The San Diego Region's Guide To Eco-Friendly Pest Control


The extensive history of pest control is filled with innovation and controversy, especially when it comes to pesticides. For centuries, civilizations utilized crop pairing, predatory insects, and even controlled fires in their efforts to control pests, but in 2500 BC, ancient Chinese cultures discovered the effectiveness of sulfuric compounds as pest repellents. That may have been the first recorded instance of chemical pesticides, but it was a huge stepping stone for better, more effective, and unfortunately more environmentally harmful chemicals.

A Brief History In Pesticide Development

After the discovery of sulfuric compounds in ancient China, and essential oils in ancient Egypt, advancements in chemical pesticides stalled for several centuries. At that point, pest control was largely targeted at crop and cattle protection, since towns and villages were fairly scattered. As civilization advanced, though, towns grew into thriving metropolises, and larger populations started attracting disease-ridden insects and rodents. It wasn't the widespread plague and famine that ushered forth modern pesticides, surprisingly enough; instead, chemical warfare paved the way for pesticide development.

Chemicals used in World War I were discovered to have a significant impact on pest populations, and by the end of World War II nerve gases and DDT were commonplace in pest control. Their effectiveness in killing actual civilizations should have been a big indicator of the havoc they can cause on the environment, but unfortunately it took several decades of experience to reach this conclusion:

  • DDT scientifically proven to cause adverse health effects in humans, and a possible carcinogen

  • Organophosphates shown to inhibit neurotransmitters

  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons labeled as known carcinogens

  • Toxic pesticides created a significant decrease in beneficial insect populations such as honey bees

  • Traces of pesticides eventually discovered tainting consumables; meat, produce, and dairy products

  • Insects began developing resistances to pesticides

The Importance Of Eco-Friendly Pesticides In Modern Pest Control

Laws were passed in the 1970s that prohibited the use of most harmful pesticides, and that forced pesticide manufacturers to turn their attention to more eco-friendly alternatives. There are still some pesticide and pest control companies that push the necessity of dangerous chemicals, though, and even store-bought pesticides are still laced with carcinogens and neurotoxins.

While there are extremely stubborn pests that are difficult to exterminate, the answer isn't deadly chemicals; there are lots of effective eco-friendly pest control methods available today:

  • Biological; microscopic organisms that specifically target pest insects

  • Heat-based fumigation; some insects are highly susceptible to increased temperatures

  • Mechanical; physical barriers and electronic deterrents

  • Plant-based insecticides

  • Preventative measures; stop infestations before exterminations are necessary

Why You Should Trust An Eco-Friendly Pest Control Company With Your San Diego Property

The science behind pest control has made gigantic leaps in the last few decades, and a push for more environmentally friendly products and procedures has never been in higher demand. Companies still continue to push the importance of harsh chemical pesticides for more difficult pests, but those claims don't just push a false narrative, they also put your family and property at risk. You shouldn't trust a company that would endanger your health and safety, and thankfully, you don't have to.

Our highly-trained pest technicians at HomeShield Pest Control are dedicated to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of all our customers. We don't just provide treatments, we listen to the needs and concerns of our clients, and we work tirelessly until every problem is solved. The pest control products we use are safe, effective, and eco-friendly, and we're committed to complete satisfaction. So put your trust in the right pest control company this year, and get in contact with us today to start discussing your home pest control or commercial pest management options.